
Friday, December 17, 2010

From Homeless to Harvard


 Now that the semester is over, students are taking a break and enjoying the “calm of the storm” so to speak. For myself, I am taking this opportunity to refocus, regain strength and hit the ground running. This was my first semester here at BMCC and my personal growth is indescribable. I have learned so much both inside and out of the classroom and having completed the first semester, can only imagine what the future has in store.

     As we take a break, I think it wise to not only reflect but also take time to remind ourselves why we are here. I am at BMCC because my education took second place in my life- until now. Education was never a priority in my life and in the years following high school, it's been an important piece of my life that I desired to fulfill. Moving forward I’m reminded of the struggle we all go through to make our lives complete; to make our lives worth something.

     An inspiring movie and memoir I watched recently brings this to life. This movie is From Homeless to Harvard and I recommend watching and/or reading her memoir. The movie tells the story of Liz Murray, her struggle as a young girl raised by parents who used drugs and often found herself hungry. She persevered through these struggles and ended up changing her life. It's inspiring for anyone to see, especially a student, as the theme of the movie is reiterated throughout. That theme is the struggle we all make and the hope that lies ahead.

     I give the film, Liz Murray and anyone who, in the past or present, has made a change in their life for the better, two thumbs up and five stars. As we move forward with our lives and education, movies like From Homeless to Harvard remind us that life is worthless unless we, individually, find that thing that keeps us going, keeps us fighting, and gives us strength to continue on.

Watch From Homeless to Harvard via Youtube...

Sunday, December 12, 2010

RIM Co CEO Mike Lazaridis talking Playbook

WES renamed Blackberry World

     We kind of saw this one coming, and in an official announcement today RIM has rebranded the Wireless Enterprise Symposium (WES) to BlackBerry World. A very fitting title given the history of the conference. It is definitely worldwide and the past few years we've seen our fair share of device announcements (maybe a Storm3 this year?!) and more. The conference will still hold the same breakout sessions, hands-on labs and certifications as in the past, while incorporating more from other areas of the BlackBerry platform as well. Attendees of BlackBerry World will be able to:
  • Hear the most current information about the BlackBerry solution, new application partners, and roadmaps for the future
  • See live demonstrations of the BlackBerry solution at work
  • Get answers from BlackBerry experts to develop value-driven wireless solutions, as well as carriers and vendors who can help provide valuable wireless research information
  • Meet and connect with key executives who are making the BlackBerry solution part of their business planning, and the industry leaders who are shaping the future of global wireless technology
  • Get training on the BlackBerry platform, with additional opportunities for technical certification
The flagship BlackBerry conference will be entering its tenth year and will be held from May 3-5 2011 in Orlando FL. Registration opens in January. For more check out blackberry.com