
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Integrated Marketing Communications- The mix of all mixes.

There is one main goal of someone in business. I wish it’s changed, but it hasn’t. The main goal of any promotion is to get someone to buy a good or service. For the marketer, this means we must use all aspects of the promotion mix and integrate our marketing efforts. It is our ultimate job to communicate and get the product to the consumer.
Companies today want to show competitive advantage and that can become difficult when the audience is not tuning in. Our job – we have many of them- is to present the message through valuable mediums and channels and effectively enable our target audience to reach a – positive- decision about our product.
Promotion is pivotal to get product information to our core target audience. Promotion is a valuable and essential part of marketing and success.  Take the book required for this course, MRKTG edition 4. This book has to include personal selling and promotion both to the consumer and retailer. The publisher, most likely, went to schools, and then targeted the professors teaching this subject. This is where personal selling comes in. Why this book? What makes this book different than another one I used last year? These questions are answered by the personal sales representative. Lastly, the core consumers- students like me pulled into buying book after book- are targeted and offered promotions to obtain the book that they – the marketer- planned from the first.”Hello”. Welcome to Marketing Integration.
Personal Blogs have made companies go from bad to good and from good to bad. Fortunately, for Blackberry, the latter has not happened and blogs such as Crackberry.com have helped Blackberry generate and maintain customers for the company. The truth is, Crackberry is a mini-Blackberry corporation. Amazing really, how this blog started and became a staple for the millions of Blackberry users and skeptics.
Blackberry, perfectly balances the communication between its manufacturer, retailer, consumer and back to manufacturer. The main reason Blackberry has remained strong through the years is this communication. Blackberry has integrated with several platforms and increased its brand because of it. With every facet of the company integrated, Blackberry really is an IMC powerhouse.

St.Jude Children's Hospital - Social Responsibility

Attention all BMCC students and others who discover this blog:
I am working with St.Jude Children's Research Hospital this holiday season and I want everyone of my classmates to know how amazing this organization and hospital is! The love and attention that the facilities and its employees provide bring a whole new meaning to Social Responsibility.

We hardly ever think of these children or others throughout our day and why would we? Life continues on for us, but some of these children struggle to just make it one more day and our donations and involvement help them survive.

It's hard to make a difference when we have so many things going on in our own personal lives. However, if we take a second and think of all that there is outside of our own lives, we can begin to appreciate the things and life we do have and then, help others who need it.

If you are interested in hearing more about St.Jude, the program I am working on, or giving please email me below. Also, research the hospital and take a tour of the website. Should you decide to give, it's a great way to know what you helped accomplish.

